by Dienke Dekker

‘a project on the performance of striped yarns in woven textiles‘

The Union of the Striped Yarns’ is a project revolving around the meeting points of striped yarns in woven textiles and the pat- terns emerging in which these stripes meet and find each other. By influencing the basic element of a textile, its yarn, the indi- vidual characters of the products are defined. The collaboration of the yarns and the different ways of interweaving them results in complex repetitions and sequences, seemingly random over- all effects and intriguing color-plays. The achieved patterns are not always directly comprehensible, but the loose ends of the textiles unveil some of the mystery.

A carpet, a couch plaid and a chair cover show the different ways how the coloring of a yarn and the way it is woven can create new unions, ranging from industrial weaves realized in tied up and hand-dyed yarns to hand-weaves with industrially printed yarns as barrier tape to simple weaves in which the yarns were striped by the twining of two colored ropes.
Three different techniques of creating striped yarns are directed to the creation of this outspoken textile products.

materials: cotton, wool, plastic


Hermès Amsterdam installation

